Step Ten
“Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.”
personal inventory – means nightly or periodically, we sit down and review our day(s).
when we were wrong – means as we review our day(s), we access each action with steps and determine what we need to learn, and if we need to make amends.
Step Ten is a guiding principle in recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other Twelve-Step fellowships. It encourages us to engage in self-reflection and maintain ongoing awareness of our thoughts, actions, and behaviors. This step emphasizes the importance of honesty, humility, and accountability in our personal growth and relationships.
Taking personal inventory involves regularly examining ourselves, and assessing our motives, attitudes, and actions. It involves acknowledging both positive and negative aspects, strengths, and weaknesses. By engaging in this practice, we gain insight into our patterns, triggers, and character defects, which can be addressed to foster personal and spiritual growth.
Furthermore, Step Ten emphasizes the need to promptly admit when we are wrong. It encourages us to take responsibility for our mistakes, make amends if necessary, and strive for integrity and humility in our interactions with others. By promptly admitting and addressing our wrongdoings, we can maintain healthy relationships, avoid resentment and conflict, and continue our journey of recovery and self-improvement.
In summary, Step Ten of the Twelve Steps involves ongoing self-reflection, taking personal inventory, and promptly admitting when we are wrong. It serves as a reminder to us in recovery to stay accountable, practice humility, and continue our journey of personal growth and spiritual development.